6 Tips for Winter Camping at S&H Campground

As winter blankets the Indiana landscape with its crisp charm, adventurous souls seek the thrill of RV camping in the midst of snow-covered wonderlands. If you’re considering embarking on a winter RV camping expedition, S&H Campground has got you covered … Continued

Top 3 Reasons to Choose a Private Campground

Camping enthusiasts often face the age-old question: should they camp at a public or private campground? Both options offer unique experiences, but there are several compelling reasons why private campgrounds often come out on top. Today on the blog, your … Continued

3 Tips for Camping with Young Children

Going on a camping trip could seem a little scary if you parent young children. In actuality, it might not sound at all like a vacation. However, our staff at S&H Campground believes that with proper planning, getting fresh air … Continued

Choose S&H for Your Spring Camping

The sun is shining, birds are chirping, and the weather is warming. Spring is here in Indiana! It’s a wonderful time of year for some great family fun. Opened in 1968, S&H Campground has catered to campers and families alike. … Continued

Private vs. Public Campgrounds

Family camping trips are becoming one of the biggest pastimes in America, especially this year when families are trying to find fun, safe things to do. However, when it comes down to choosing a campground, there are a lot of … Continued

How to Exercise While Camping

Regular exercise is important for more reasons than just your physical appearance. It can improve your health, quality of life, and even your mood. But, if you’re like many seasoned RVers, you spend the summer months hopping from campsite to … Continued

How to Cook over a Campfire

Cooking over a campfire is one of the best parts of the camping experience, even if you prefer to camp in a fully-loaded motorhome or cabin. Food cooked correctly over an open flame has a rich, smoky flavor, and the … Continued

Visit the S&H Campground Family Fun Park

The last few weekends of the summer are quickly slipping away, and you want to squeeze in as much fun with the family as possible before school starts. Our team at S&H Campgrounds completely understands, and we have the answer. … Continued